Local Intelligence in the Roanoke News

We’re in the midst of uploading issues of The Roanoke News (Weldon, N.C.) from 1878-1922, and have been enjoying a particular column called Local Intelligence. Running fairly consistently on page 3, the Local Intelligence section included short sayings, weather reports and predictions, farming and medical advice, the prices of various goods, as well as general commentary on society, fashion trends, local events, and politics – often with a bit of humor!

These sections were often quite long, sometimes taking up the entire length of the page. To give you a sense of the breadth (and somewhat random order) of these snippets of information, here is an excerpt from the May 22, 1884 edition (unfortunately, the poor quality of the microfilm has resulted in images that are blurry and difficult to read):

And here are some choice examples from the same day:

“Cherries have made their appearance and the people cherish them.”

“Garlic is no longer considered a cure for hydrophobia: this robs the disease of much of its horrors.”

“Don’t blame the dudes for wearing tight pants. It prevents rats from running up their legs, and consequently scaring them to death.”

For more of these bits of wit and wisdom, see the full Local Intelligence section for May 22, 1884, and be sure to take a look at other examples of the column in issues of The Roanoke News.

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