Salem College Boarding School Ledger from 1805 Now Online

We have recently digitized a ledger from the Boarding School for Female Education from Salem, N.C., covering the years 1805 to 1809. This school would evolve to become Salem College, which houses the ledger today. Inside there are a number of entries concerning the students at the school, as well as a number of businessmen who were involved with the school. One such man is Charles Cist, a printer and publisher in Philadelphia from whom the school bought a number of books for the library.

Library entry

Library entry showing purchases from Charles Cist

As an all-girls school, the majority of the names inside are women’s names. The few men in the ledger appear to be part of the school administration, people whom the school paid for services, or fathers who had paid the school for care of their daughters.

Entry page for Anna Kirkland and Sally Sanders

Entry page for Anna Kirkland and Sally Sanders


Salem College previously worked with the Digital Heritage Center to share college yearbooks and catalogs going back as far as the 1850s.

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