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More News From Brevard College Available

A few more issues of Brevard College‘s The Clarion have been added to our North Carolina Newspapers collection:

A political cartoon titled, "The rise and fall of man." On the left is an ape, then a caveman, then Albert Einstein (standing in front of an atomic bomb) and then, on the far right, President Bill Clinton playing the saxophone.

A cartoon from the April 19, 1993 issue

These issues cover several serious and political topics in addition to opinion pieces on student life and culture. Most notably, these newspapers cover the student views on former President Bill Clinton, who was elected in 1992.

In the November 10, 1992 edition, then-Assistant Editor Lorrin Wolf commented, “I want to move out of the United States because I feel that Clinton’s term will be a repeat of the Carter years.” Many of the students quoted in these issues expressed a similar sentiment.

You can see all available issues of The Clarion here. You can also browse all of our student newspapers by school name and location in our North Carolina Newspapers collection. To learn more about Brevard College, you can visit their partner page and their website.

Recent Issues of the Brevard College Student Newspaper Added to DigitalNC

Over 250 issues of The Clarion, the student newspaper of Brevard College located in Brevard, N.C., are now available on DigitalNC thanks to our partners at Brevard College.  These additions span eight years, from June 2012 to May 2020. All of these issues are web editions and were distributed electronically.

Serving Brevard College since 1935, The Clarion speaks to the students on campus with articles focused on topics such as sports, clubs, events, commencement, and finals. Opinion pieces on popular news stories are also prominently featured. Injecting some fun into the routine, April Fool’s Day issues take on a satirical tone, changing their title to The Hilarion. Similarly, Halloween issues are retitled The Scarion.

As this upload includes issues from the beginning of 2020, present day readers might be interested in tracking the early articles on Covid-19 leading to the move to online instruction. Also of note is the tribute to the 2020 graduating class in the May 21, 2020 issue.

To see all of DigitalNC’s digitized content of Brevard College Student Newspapers going back to the first issues of The Clarion in 1935, click here. And to visit Brevard College’s homepage, click here.

“The Debate over the Sweatiest Professor” – April Fool’s Day in NC Newspapers

April Fool’s Day is upon us.  (We thought Google Chrome’s support for emoji translation could be really useful for transcribing some of our newspapers!)  These days it seems April Fool’s is mostly played out online, with websites jockeying for the best prank.  Taking a look through DigitalNC’s Newspaper Collection shows that pulling pranks on April Fool’s via [print] media is nothing new.


The oldest reference found to April Fool’s Day in the newspapers is from The Wilson Advance in 1897, which reminded its readers which day it was and to be on the alert for pranksters.  The small news item gives a glimpse of what April Fool’s jokes entailed in the late 1890s. (for context, $10 in 1897 would equal approximately $268 today)


Starting with the 1937 April Fool’s Day issue of the Clarion from Brevard College, which is the first appearance of an April Fool’s themed paper in NC Newspapers,  it appears that special April Fool’s Day editions of student newspapers were popular across North Carolina, as they remain today if you browse through some campus newspapers online.  Some of the funnier news headers we found included a color by number of Elon’s Pendlelum in  1999 and the 1991 Goofordian [regularly the Guilfordian] from Guilford College, which also noted that you can read all about the debate over the sweatiest professor on page 2.



To view more newspapers from across North Carolina, visit the North Carolina Newspapers collection and to view specifically more papers from April 1 through the years, check out the “Today in North Carolina History” section on the right side of the page.

Brevard College Students on the Cuban Revolution, 1959

In the student newspapers from Brevard College that were recently digitized, we came across an interesting article from January 1959 about two Cuban students who were at home during the revolution that brought Fidel Castro to power. Here are a couple of excerpts:

“The people of Cuba are rejoicing about the overthrow of the Batista government and the success of the popular rebel leader, Fidel Castro. ‘Viva Fidel’ is the cry of the people. These observations are from two Brevard college students who have just returned from their Christmas holidays spend at their homes in Cuba.”
“Both students expressed belief that the Castro government will be the most liberal in Cuba’s history. They denied emphatically that the rebel group was in any way communist controlled.”
Apparently there were, at the time, several students from Cuba attending the small college in the North Carolina mountains.

Brevard College Student Newspapers Now Available on DigitalNC

The small town of Brevard has lately received a lot of attention here at the North Carolina Digital Heritage Center. Following last week’s announcement about the digitization of early issues of the Sylvan Valley News, I’m pleased to announce that a long run of historic student newspapers from Brevard College is now available online.

Over 700 issues of student-produced papers from Brevard College as well as predecessor schools Weaver College and Rutherford College can now be searched and browsed online. The papers range in date from to 1924 to 2006, and are a fantastic resource for studying student life in a small mountain college throughout the 20th century.

These digital versions were created from original newspapers held in the Brevard College Archives, located in the James A. Jones Library.

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