Issues of The Charlotte News, 1888-1922, Added to DigitalNC

Black and white image of the top half of a newspaper page

The February 4, 1910 evening edition of The Charlotte News.

black and white newspaper article with a drawing of a horned goat with head down

From the December 19, 1888 front page of The Charlotte News.

We’ve added a whopping 10,000+ issues of The Charlotte News to DigitalNC. The paper was published daily, and these issues date from 1888-1922 (minus 1911, which has been on our website since 2012). In its first years, you’ll find front-page news under the column “Local Ripples” that would probably surprise Charlotteans today – such small details as the names of people renting certain houses, the number of people being married on the next day, or the specific ailments of local residents. The front page from December 19, 1888 even details a confrontation between a local resident and a billy goat (at right). 

Starting in 1909 you will find not only the News but also The Evening Chronicle, which was published separately for a number of years and then merged with The Charlotte News to become The Charlotte News and Evening Chronicle. In 1910 the front page boasted that it was “the only paper between Atlanta and Washington to issue morning, evening, and Sunday editions.”

With so many editions to fill, it’s not surprising that the paper covered a wide variety of international, national, and local topics. You’ll find a lot of syndicated content, but also statewide and Charlotte-area news and advertisements. When there are multiple issues per day, the morning paper contains more local and statewide news and advertisements, whereas the evening paper includes financial reports, sporting news, the women’s page, and syndicated content. 

You can view all of the issues we have online of The Charlotte News on its landing page, or browse our entire newspaper collection here.

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