DigitalNC Statistics

Statistics last updated on Friday, May 3, 2024 at 2:55am UTC.

Collection Statistics

Images of North Carolina28,22254,616
North Carolina City Directories1,09633,488*
North Carolina Memory13,122503,700*
North Carolina Sights & Sounds1,2502,226*
North Carolina Newspapers601,230Pages Indexed
Student Newspapers36,555
Community Newspapers564,675
African-American Newspapers
African-American newspapers are also counted as Community or Student Papers.
North Carolina Yearbooks16,2432,329,964
College and University Yearbooks4,614854,722
High School Yearbooks5,311618,955
Campus Publications6,413862,590

* Due to changes in the architecture of our new system, we now count "files" instead of "pages." Because multi-page PDF files in document collections are counted only once per file, these totals may be misleading.

Additional Yearbook Statistics

Schools by County

Includes schools with campus publications and/or yearbooks on DigitalNC.

Alamance County27
Alexander County0
Alleghany County1
Anson County4
Ashe County1
Avery County1
Beaufort County3
Bertie County2
Bladen County1
Brunswick County0
Buncombe County12
Burke County14
Cabarrus County11
Caldwell County11
Camden County6
Carteret County1
Caswell County1
Catawba County5
Chatham County10
Cherokee County1
Chowan County1
Clay County0
Cleveland County10
Columbus County2
Craven County8
Cumberland County6
Currituck County2
Dare County1
Davidson County12
Davie County6
Duplin County1
Durham County13
Edgecombe County16
Forsyth County27
Franklin County8
Gaston County14
Gates County0
Graham County1
Granville County17
Greene County5
Guilford County36
Halifax County4
Harnett County9
Haywood County7
Henderson County11
Hertford County4
Hoke County0
Hyde County3
Iredell County2
Jackson County3
Johnston County21
Jones County0
Lee County4
Lenoir County7
Lincoln County6
Macon County2
Madison County7
Martin County2
McDowell County10
Mecklenburg County43
Mitchell County0
Montgomery County5
Moore County5
Nash County9
New Hanover County8
Northampton County0
Onslow County1
Orange County9
Pamlico County1
Pasquotank County6
Pender County1
Perquimans County1
Person County10
Pitt County16
Polk County0
Randolph County15
Richmond County4
Robeson County9
Rockingham County16
Rowan County21
Rutherford County0
Sampson County3
Scotland County3
Stanly County15
Stokes County9
Surry County16
Swain County1
Transylvania County3
Tyrrell County3
Union County9
Vance County9
Wake County28
Warren County4
Washington County2
Watauga County6
Wayne County22
Wilkes County3
Wilson County11
Yadkin County7
Yancey County0

School Types

107 Colleges & Universities
562 High Schools

Additional Newspaper Statistics

Titles by County

Counties with no newspaper titles will not appear on this list.

Alamance County11
Alexander County4
Alleghany County1
Anson County9
Ashe County4
Avery County1
Beaufort County26
Bertie County4
Bladen County5
Brunswick County4
Buncombe County48
Burke County6
Cabarrus County12
Caldwell County5
Camden County2
Carteret County11
Caswell County11
Catawba County7
Chatham County9
Cherokee County3
Chowan County17
Clay County2
Cleveland County10
Columbus County5
Craven County47
Cumberland County39
Dare County3
Davidson County17
Davie County7
Duplin County10
Durham County21
Edgecombe County26
Forsyth County30
Franklin County12
Gaston County21
Gates County2
Granville County27
Greene County1
Guilford County58
Halifax County20
Harnett County13
Haywood County6
Henderson County13
Hertford County11
Hoke County3
Hyde County6
Iredell County19
Jackson County3
Johnston County9
Jones County2
Lee County3
Lenoir County9
Lincoln County15
Macon County8
Madison County4
Martin County5
McDowell County5
Mecklenburg County37
Mitchell County4
Montgomery County4
Moore County16
Nash County24
New Hanover County42
Northampton County3
Onslow County1
Orange County27
Pamlico County3
Pasquotank County23
Pender County1
Perquimans County3
Person County7
Pitt County9
Polk County2
Randolph County12
Richmond County8
Robeson County12
Rockingham County19
Rowan County32
Rutherford County18
Sampson County4
Scotland County9
Stanly County12
Stokes County7
Surry County10
Swain County3
Transylvania County8
Tyrrell County4
Union County4
Vance County13
Wake County144
Warren County16
Washington County5
Watauga County3
Wayne County30
Wilkes County19
Wilson County20
Yadkin County2
Yancey County4

Newspaper Types

1,138 Community Paper Titles
92 Student Paper Titles
50 African-American Titles

Contributor Statistics

Contributor Types

Cultural Heritage Organizations105
Alumni Associations11
Community Groups and Clubs7
Historic Sites7
Historical Societies36
Community Colleges38
Education Centers2
Historically Black Colleges and Universities10
Private Colleges and Universities42
Public Colleges and Universities14
Secondary Schools2
Libraries and Archives132
Private Libraries and Archives7
Public Archives6
Public Libraries121

Some contributors may appear in multiple categories. To see which organizations are organized under which category, see the contributors browse page.

Contributors by County

Counties with no contributors will not appear on this list.

Alamance County4
Alexander County1
Alleghany County1
Anson County2
Ashe County2
Avery County2
Beaufort County3
Bertie County4
Bladen County1
Brunswick County3
Buncombe County6
Burke County3
Cabarrus County5
Caldwell County4
Camden County2
Carteret County4
Caswell County1
Catawba County4
Chatham County2
Cherokee County4
Chowan County2
Clay County3
Cleveland County6
Columbus County1
Craven County3
Cumberland County6
Currituck County1
Dare County3
Davidson County5
Davie County1
Duplin County3
Durham County10
Edgecombe County2
Forsyth County14
Franklin County2
Gaston County7
Gates County2
Graham County3
Granville County4
Greene County3
Guilford County14
Halifax County1
Harnett County3
Haywood County2
Henderson County4
Hertford County6
Hoke County2
Hyde County2
Iredell County3
Jackson County4
Johnston County5
Jones County3
Lee County4
Lenoir County4
Lincoln County2
Macon County3
Madison County2
Martin County3
McDowell County2
Mecklenburg County13
Mitchell County1
Montgomery County2
Moore County6
Nash County4
New Hanover County7
Northampton County2
Onslow County1
Orange County6
Pamlico County2
Pasquotank County4
Pender County1
Perquimans County2
Person County2
Pitt County6
Polk County1
Randolph County3
Richmond County3
Robeson County3
Rockingham County4
Rowan County4
Rutherford County1
Sampson County2
Scotland County1
Stanly County2
Stokes County3
Surry County5
Swain County2
Transylvania County3
Tyrrell County2
Union County2
Vance County2
Wake County28
Warren County1
Washington County2
Watauga County5
Wayne County3
Wilkes County4
Wilson County4
Yadkin County4
Yancey County1

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